Friday, October 21, 2011

Forever in my heart

A week ago today we had to put one of my dogs down due to liver failure resulting from diabetes.  If you know me, you know how very dear all of my pets are to me.  They are not just animals; they are family.  I cherish each and every one of them and I truly believe that God has put them in our lives to teach us compassion and selflessness, among other things.

My relationship with Timber, our keeshond, will always remain special to me.  He was the first dog that my brothers and I watched grow from puppyhood (I only remember our first dog, Max, as an old dog).  Timber was diagnosed with diabetes & pancreatitis, at the age of 9, nearly one week after I was diagnosed with my CHD.  To me, it seemed as though we survived this summer as a team.  We enjoyed the good days together and survived the bad days as they came. He was my listening ear as I worked through some of the emotional implications of my newly diagnosed heart defect.  When I would have fainting spells when no one (human-wise!) was home, Timber remained steadfast by my side, licking my face and nudging me until I awoke.   As we neared my surgery date and the fainting spells continued, Timber even began sensing the spells before they occurred and would whine at me until I sat down or put myself in some other "safer" position.  Of course, Timber was always aware of his surroundings, once alerting us to the fact that our elderly neighbor lady had fallen in the backyard and broken her hip.  It should have been no surprise to me that he would be looking out for me as well. 

As difficult as it is to say good-bye, we owed it to Timber to make the decision to end his pain & suffering.  Afterall, it's not truly "good-bye."  I'll see my sweet baby again one day.  In the meantime, I know that my best friend and one of the loves of my life remains my guardian from up above. 


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